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Ankana Surachavala
Krittikar Sanphosh
Bussakorn Suksan
Paisan Nanudon


The purposes of this research were to study the social responsibility problem and determine a model for enhancing social responsibility in social innovation of the wholesale business group. in the upper northeastern region 1. Phase 1: Step 1: using quantitative methodology. the target group was 8 experts. The research tools were semi-structured Interview. Data were analyzed by summary content. Step 2: using qualitative methodology. The sample group consisted of 380 wholesale store operators in the upper northeastern region 1 from wholesale stores. The research tools were questionnaires. Data were analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation statistics. Phase 2: using quantitative methodology. Step 1: The target group was 13 experts. The research tools were meeting recording form. Data were analyzed by summary content. Step 2: The target group was 30 wholesale store operators in Udon Thani province. The research tools were suitability and feasibility assessment form. Data were analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation statistics. The research results showed that: The social responsibility problem for enhancing social responsibility in social innovation of the wholesale business group. in the upper northeastern region 1, consisted 2 aspects, Business models and social enterprise ecosystems. The results of model for developing total of 10 models consisted: 1) Customer relationship 2) Customer 3) Revenue Streams 4) Cost structure 5) Main partners 6) Main activities 7) Decision makers 8) Potential creators 9) Competition organizers and 10) Sponsor. when assessing the suitability and feasibility of all aspects.

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How to Cite
Surachavala, A., Sanphosh, K., Suksan, B., & Nanudon, P. (2023). A MODEL FOR ENHANCING SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY OF THE WHOLESALE BUSINESS GROUP IN UPPER NORTHEAST. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 7(10), 47–57. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JSC/article/view/268181
Research Articles


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