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Phrakhru Suriya Suriyo (Kongkawai)
Sungwiaen Theppha
Punyada Chongla-iad
jaran Sresuk
Thatchanan Issaradet


The objectives of this research article were: 1) Study the principles and theories concerning the legal presumption of innocent, 2) Study the legal problems of the legal presumption of innocent, 3) Comparative analysis and research on the legal provisions of legal presumption of innocent in foreign countries and Thailand, and 4) Propose amendments to the legal provisions of the legal presumption of innocent applicable to Thailand. This research was a qualitative research use interviews and group discussions by choose specific examples that divided into 5 groups such as 1) judge, 2) attorney, 3) police, 4) lawyer, and 5) Scholar from all 10 persons by using content analysis and summarizing as an overview. The study was found that: 1. Legal problems of the presumption of innocent consisting: 1.1) Measures to protect rights and liberties, 1.2) Evidence for witnesses in the investigation, and 1.3) Treatment of suspects or defendants, 2. Principles and theories concerning the presumption of innocent including: 2.1) Criminal law measures, 2.2) Criminal prosecution system, 2.3) Criminal prosecution system, 2.4) Rule of law, 2.5) Human rights, 2.6) Rights in the criminal justice process of the accused, 2.7) Presumption of criminal liability, and 2.8) Presumption of innocent, 3. Analyze and compare the legal presumption of innocent between foreign countries and Thailand including: 3.1) customary law such as the United Kingdom (England) and the United States of America and 3.2) written law such as the Republic of France, Japan and Thailand, and 4. The amendment of the law on the presumption of innocent suitable for Thailand including: 4.1) The Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand, Buddhist Era 2560 to guarantee basic rights and to protect the rights and liberties of the people in accessing the justice process of the people, 4.2) Code of Criminal Procedure, Section 2 (11) that "preliminary investigation" and "inquiry for prosecution" stipulating the preliminary investigation and prosecution investigation. including the collection of evidence, and 4.3) the Corrections Act Buddhist Era 2560, Chapter 5, relating to rights, duties, benefits and other matters relating to inmates.

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How to Cite
Suriyo (Kongkawai), P. S., Theppha, S., Chongla-iad, P., Sresuk, jaran, & Issaradet, T. . (2023). LEGAL PRESUMPTION OF INNOCENT. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 7(9), 326–339. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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