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Virote Vijittamrongsak
Natchana Bhutasang
Prateep Jinnge
Kanchana Pattrawiwat
Thasuk Junprasert


This research article is a qualitative research. The objective of this study is to develop the learning management model of project base learning integrated collaborative learning with high school students under the office of the basic education commission (OBEC). Data were collected by organizing the workshop seminar using the specific focus group discussion method with an online system through the zoom application from teachers who had experience in project base teaching or work groups teaching among high school’s students at world-class standard schools participating in the World Morality Revival Project (V-Star) included 8 participants: 4 teachers from 4 schools and 4 academic staffs from International Buddhist Clubs (IBS) who has the responsibility to develop the curriculum of project. The inclusion criteria were met and got the approval from all involved parties to reduce the selection bias. Qualitative data were analyzed. The research revealed that the learning management model of project base learning integrated collaborative learning of high school students has integrated 4 factors: self-efficacy, attitude, group efficacy and saraniyadhamma six into 6 steps of project base learning management: 1) basic knowledge teaching 2) interest arousing 3) organizing collaborative groups 4) knowledge seeking 5) summary of what students learned and 6) work presenting. The approach for integration are 1) point out the advantages 2) organize activities to enhance ideas and experiences 3) success giving 4) keeping role models in mind 5) admiration and encouragement.

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How to Cite
Vijittamrongsak, V., Bhutasang, N., Jinnge, P., Pattrawiwat, K., & Junprasert, T. (2023). LEARNING MANAGEMENT MODEL OF PROJECT BASE LEARNING INTEGRATED COLLABORATIVE LEARNING WITH HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS UNDER THE OFFICE OF THE BASIC EDUCATION COMMISSION (OBEC). Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 7(10), 71–81. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JSC/article/view/268253
Research Articles


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