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Ratchapon Yamkeep
Boonyanuch Nakha


This research article, titled Restoration of Tamra Phra Osot Phra Narai for Integrative Promotion and Studying of Arts and Culture, aims to study and restore ‘Tamra Phra Osot Phra Narai’ (The Medicine Recipe Book of Narayana) while examining the local community's involvement with efforts to promote Thai arts, culture, and wisdom, by integrating knowledge of social sciences and health science. The research was conducted in the local community of Pho Tru Sub-district, Mueang Lop Buri District, Lopburi Province. Several main OTOP (One Tambon One Product) items of this sub-district, such as Yah Mong (herbal balm), Pra Kob Samun Prai (herbal compress balls), and Yah Horm (cardiotonic medicine), are crafted by applying the recipes found in Tamra Phra Osot Phra Narai. In this research, the authors applied the concepts of cultural area development, cultural entrepreneurship, creative economy, and community participation as the research framework. Based on the literature review, an interview with the group of six participants, and participatory action research, the authors identified four recipes from Tamra Phra Osot Phra Narai commonly used in people’s daily lives, namely Yah Ta Phra Sen, Phra Angkop Phra Sen Tueng Hai Yon, Numman Mahajak, and Yah Horm Dum. In this research article, the authors categorized the acquired information into the dimensions of raw materials, medicine-making methods, and restorative properties. The authors also investigated the operations of the Community Enterprise of Herbal Farmers of Pho Tru Sub-district and their contributions to the continuation of the local wisdom in herbal medicine from Tamra Phra Osot Phra Narai. The results revealed that the Community Enterprise of Herbal Farmers of Pho Tru Sub-district has sufficient potential to be characterized as cultural entrepreneurs in Thai traditional medicine. Therefore, in order to maximize benefits, medical personels, marketing professionals and cultural agencies should collaborate integrating knowledge and strengthening the space. Moreover, the findings also suggested that future research should focus on raising public awareness and conducting marketing research on social return.

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How to Cite
Yamkeep, R., & Nakha, B. (2023). RESTORATION OF TAMRA PHRA OSOT PHRA NARAI FOR INTEGRATIVE PROMOTION AND STUDYING OF ARTS AND CULTURE. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 7(10), 171–181. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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