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Nantawat Thanindechanan
Chandra-nuj Mahakanjana


The aims of research are as follows: 1) to investigate the reasons and process for establishing collaboration in the public service of the Royal Irrigation Department 2) to investigate the element that contribute to the success of the process for establishing collaboration. 3) to create a model for collaboration in the public service of the Royal Irrigation Department, using qualitative research methods. There are key information providers including: Executives of the Royal Irrigation Department and Irrigation Project, operational staff, water users and related organizations totaling 84 people. Using a specific selection method and a snowball sampling method, using semi-structured interview tools using in-depth interviews, non-participant observation and using Qualitative Comparative Analysis. Findings of the study, 1) The Royal Irrigation Department employs the process of collaboration as a strategy to solve personnel shortages and resolve conflicts. 2) The Royal Irrigation Department's tools for water delivery and maintenance the farmers participated in the 14-step process and collaborative dynamics. 3) The researcher has proposed a model of collaboration in the public service of the Royal Irrigation Department that is appropriate in three types, divided into two situations: 1) The area in providing public services is open space, and it has people with disabilities. Many stakeholders have different needs for water in different activities, different amounts of water, and at different times. The water delivery and maintenance the farmers participated in the 14-step process should be used in conjunction with the special collaboration process. 2) The area in providing public services is open space, and it has people with disabilities. Many stakeholders have different needs for water in different activities, different amounts of water, and at different times. Including the closed nature of the area, a small number of stakeholders should implement the water delivery and maintenance the farmers participated in the 14-step process along with collaborative dynamics.

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How to Cite
Thanindechanan, N., & Mahakanjana, C.- nuj. (2023). MODEL OF PUBLIC SERVICES COLLABORATION OF THE ROYAL IRRIGATION DEPARTMENT IN WATER MANAGEMENT PROJECTS. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 7(10), 238–249. Retrieved from
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