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Somrudee Thammasurat
Kietchai Veerayannon
Pisamai Jarujittipant


This research aims to 1) analyze the motivation and the development of physical therapists that affect the competency of geriatric physical therapists, and 2) propose guidelines for developing the competency of geriatric physical therapists. The study is survey research using a qualitative data collection by 410 sets of questionnaires. Statistics used in data analysis are frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, multiple regression analysis and content analysis. The results of research showed that 1) Motivation was able to describe the core competencies with 44.0 percent and the specific functional competencies with 38.5 percent. When considering each aspect, it was found that success at work, nature of work, remuneration, interpersonal relationships, policy and administration, and professional recognition had a statistically significant level .01 effect on the performance of physical therapists. Development of physical therapists was able to describe the core competencies with 21.9 percent, and the specific functional competencies 12.5 percent. When considering each aspect, it was found that implementation, experiment and learning by experience, and receiving the information from supervisor or senior had a statistically significant level .01 effect on the performance of physical therapists, and 2) Guideline for developing the competency of geriatric physical therapists is to improve the existing curriculum by focusing on knowledge about the elderly. Develop competency through training and practice to emphasis on enhancement of knowledge and skills, consistent with patient needs. Establish measures to control the quality of treatment. Increase access to and creation for sustainability in physical therapy profession.

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How to Cite
Thammasurat, S., Veerayannon, K., & Jarujittipant, P. (2023). GUIDELINE FOR DEVELOPMENT OF GERIATRIC PHYSICAL THERAPIST COMPETENCY. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 7(11), 136–147. Retrieved from
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