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Phrakrupalad Suriya Chavanapanyo
Prawit Thongchai


The ability to modify one's way of lifestyle through access to information and technology is a critical aspect in transforming society and culture. According to the notion, globalization can cause social and cultural changes. The format of method beliefs based on data and developing technologies every day, new information and invention emerge are both good and destructive. Changes in that society's social structure and culture, there could be a difference in the time required and several significant factors, such as the physical surroundings, are involved. Mental processes qualities of the structure fundamental cultural traits of that community, which aspires to better the lives of its members and their families than they did before. As a result, it has the effect of reflecting modifications made to the system of relationships between society and culture in contrast to earlier times. This leads to global changes in the advancement of science, technology, and information and bringing about adjustments in politics, the government, the economy, and society both directly and indirectly, the community's culture and surroundings in order to strengthen and develop one's own community, it is necessary to adjust to the trend of globalization. Learning can lead to better appropriate problem solving and management for the welfare of the community. There is a change in way of thinking. Application of various knowledge Including managing new relationships. So that the community movement process will be in a more appropriate direction. Moreover, development operations in the present era are changing. It is necessary to fully understand the basic concepts of social change and cultural change to help us adapt to new developments and deal with environmental and social problems to be sustainable.

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How to Cite
Chavanapanyo, P. S., & Thongchai, P. (2023). GLOBALIZATION AND THE CHANGING TRENDS OF THAI SOCIETY AND CULTURE. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 7(10), 286–299. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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