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Usa Sathitmon
Pennueng Buathet
Sasitorn Samnakorn
Hathairat Rodngoen


The objectives of this research were 1) to analyze transportation routes using Saving Algorithm and 2) to develop a transportation management planning system With a database management program due to rising costs and transportation management that uses employee experience. It is an applied research using route records from the Google Maps system to determine the latitude, longitude, and distance on each route. The data was collected from populations and samples using the purposive sampling method. The study was divided into four customer service areas and utilized six service cars. The data which were Distance Matrix and Saving Matrix were analyzed to identify Saving Values on each route. The instruments were an in-depth interview and post-system query to collect data from 10 employees to analyze the data with descriptive statistics, including percentage, average, and descriptive analysis. The results showed that saving routing reduced distances by 13.60%, and expenses decreased by 34.65%. And the development of the transportation management planning system works as follows. User login Transportation vehicle information management system, drivers, customers, and work planning systems Calculate expenses and issue work sheets. After a trial of the system, the average duration of work was reduced by 78%, the average time to query data decreased by 87.62%, and the average time to calculate transportation costs decreased by 85.71%. The results indicate that the implementation of optimized routing led to a reduction in distances by 13.60% and a decrease in expenses by 34.65%. After a trial of the system, there was a notable 78% reduction in the average duration of work, an 87.62% decrease in the average time required for querying data, and an 85.71% decrease in the average time needed for calculating transportation costs and using the transportation planning system to work. The system is easy to use. accurate Searching and verifying information and help employees manage transportation efficiently.

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How to Cite
Sathitmon, U., Buathet, P., Samnakorn, S., & Rodngoen, H. (2023). ROUTE ANALYSIS AND DEVELOPMENT OF FREIGHT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM WITH SAVING ALGORITHM: A CASE STUDY OF CHANON TRANSPORT LIMITED PARTNERSHIP. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 7(11), 64–75. Retrieved from
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