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Bantita Insombat
Aungsumalin Tidtragulchai


The objectives of this research are 1) to analyze the causes of overweight and trends in overweight in early childhood. 2) develop a physical health promotion program for early childhood children who are overweight. 3) evaluate the use of the health promotion program. Physically for early childhood children who are overweight Using quantitative research methods The sample group was 50 preschool children aged 5 - 6 years, divided into an experimental group of 25 people and a control group of 25 people, using the weight according to height criteria, with a value greater than +2S.D or more, as the selection criterion. Randomly brought to classrooms by drawing lots. Tools used in the research: 1) A program to promote physical health for early childhood children who are overweight. 2) A manual for using a program to promote physical health for early childhood children who are overweight. Analyze data using the average standard deviation. The results of the research found that: 1) Analyze the causes of overweight in early childhood. Because children do not have time to exercise. 2) A program to promote physical health for early childhood children who are overweight has been developed, consisting of 5 days of exercise. Day 1: Basic physical exercise positions. Day 2: Physical exercise postures with equipment. Day 3: Dance to the rhythm of the Sun Smiling Song. Day 4: Let's dance to the rhythm of the song. And Day 5: Dance to the rhythm of the song. Exercise in the sunlight. 3) Evaluation results: average body weight After joining the program Experimental group that participated in the program decreased compared to the average before the experiment. Statistically significant at the .05 level, before the experiment the average body weight was 28.78 kilograms and after the experiment the average body weight was 26.28 kilograms.

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How to Cite
Insombat, B., & Tidtragulchai, A. (2023). DEVELOPMENT OF A PHYSICAL HEALTH PROMOTIONAL PROGRAM FOR OVERWEIGHT PRESCHOOL CHILDREN. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 7(11), 88–98. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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