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Benjamaporn Chumnanchar
Waret Ruttanavisanon
Lalida Arphawatthanasakul
Tatpicha Harutaivorakul
Ornthasa Wateemongkonkan


Phra That Choeng Chum is a significant religious site in Thailand. Since ancient times, the Sakon Nakhon Province has been home to a holy site of great religious significance, which has also become a prominent tourist destination. This location has significance as both a popular tourist destination and a site of great religious importance. It is an important place of worship that is a brick pagoda showing the unique style of Lan Chang Pagoda. This academic article aims 1) To study the historical significance and religious sanctity that have contributed to the prosperity of Phra That. 2) This academic article has the capacity to endure and effectively convey knowledge on Phra That Choeng Chum and serving as a means to distribute information to enhance the recognition and endorsement of Phra That Choeng Chum by examining existing information from documents and related evidence through research, record and summarize data which all information collected includes 3 parts 1) the legend of Phra That Choeng Chum and its history 2) the architecture of Phra That Choeng Chum 3) the sacredness of Phra That Choeng Chum. The result of the study established that in contemporary times, Phrathat has assumed a significant role, beyond its mere physical presence. This academic article is reflected in knowledge management collecting and organizing knowledge on cultural heritage and architecture. The residents of Sakon Nakhon Province have maintained a longstanding association with Phra That Choeng Chum, which has significantly influenced their way of life. Knowledge in the field of legend History, architecture and sacredness can be used to expand religious tourism by adding value through storytelling about history, architecture, and the sacredness of Phra That Choeng Chum. To provide knowledge of history, architecture, culture and beliefs continue to exist

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How to Cite
Chumnanchar, B., Ruttanavisanon, W., Arphawatthanasakul, L., Harutaivorakul, T., & Wateemongkonkan, O. (2024). PHRA THAT CHOENG CHUM: HISTORY AND SACREDNESS IN THE NORTH ISAN REGION. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 8(3), 351–361. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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