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Sasiorn Intho
Thawal Ruyaporn
Panumas Kudngaongarm
Sopon Charoen
Wanaporn Phanphruk


This article on the legal problems related to environmental criminal procedure with the objective to 1) investigate the concepts and principles related to environmental criminal procedure; 2) explore the legal measures related to environmental criminal procedure of international laws, foreign laws, and Thai laws; 3) analyze the problems on environmental criminal procedure; and 4) propose approaches to solve the legal problems related to environmental criminal procedure. This research applied a qualitative research methodology consisting of document study and research. The findings revealed that according to the use of concepts, principles, and theories in analyzing the legal problems on environmental criminal procedure, although the Criminal Procedure Code and the proposed bill on environmental case procedure B.E. … specifies the criteria on environmental criminal procedure, it does not mention the criteria on appointing expert witness in environment, measurement and evaluation for people acting as the expert witness in environment specifically in environmental criminal procedure. Moreover, regarding the punishment, it found that the laws provide opportunities to be at the discretion of the court which may lead to inequality and injustice. Therefore, the researcher would like to propose the amendments of the proposed bill on environmental case procedure B.E. … related to environmental criminal procedure as follows: 1) criteria on an appointment of expert witness in environment, 2) criteria on measuring and evaluating people acting as the expert witness in environment, and 3) defining the discretion of the court to determine punishment In order to achieve the most justice for the litigants and according to the spirit of the criminal justice process.

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How to Cite
Intho, S., Ruyaporn, T., Kudngaongarm, P., Charoen, S., & Phanphruk, W. (2023). LEGAL PROBLEMS RELATED TO ENVIRONMENTAL CRIMINAL PROCEDURE. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 7(10), 316–324. Retrieved from
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