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Anlaya Smuseneto
Samsoo Sa-U
Payao Lakateb
Muhammadrorfee-E Musor


The purpose of this research is to achieve three objectives. Firstly, to gather information on the issues that could potentially impact the mental health of children and youth in Pattani Province. Secondly, to identify available resources that can be utilized to prevent and address mental health and psychosocial problems among the youth in Pattani Province. Lastly, to provide guidelines for integrated management that can help improve Thai youth's mental and psychosocial wellbeing in Pattani Province. This research method is qualitative and involves conducting in-depth interviews and focus groups. The research aims to gather important information from representatives of four different ministries - the Ministry of Public Health, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Social Development and Human Security, and the Ministry of Justice. A total of 60 individuals are involved, with participants categorized into three groups of 20 individuals each. Analyze content data and summarize the overall picture to find guidelines for joint action in resolving the mental health and psychosocial situation of youth in Pattani Province. The results viewed that the three most urgent problems leading to mental health and psychosocial health of Thai youth in Pattani Province are: 1. Stress and depression in children, 2. Drug abuse, and 3. Domestic violence. Each problem has capital resources, and the main agency is responsible for more than one agency, but lacking integration and working together, all three urgent problems have separate solutions. To improve the mental health of Thai children and youth in the province, agencies from the four main ministries need to work together in a coordinated manner. By creating operational standards and adopting an integrated approach towards solving youth mental and psychosocial problems, the work can be carried out more efficiently and in accordance with the same standards. This study suggests that such an approach will improve outcomes for the mental well-being of young people in Thailand.

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How to Cite
Smuseneto, A., Sa-U, S., Lakateb, P., & Musor, M.-E. (2024). INTEGRATED APPROACHES TO MENTAL HEALTH AND PSYCHOSOCIAL SUPPORT OF THAI YOUTH IN PATTANI. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 8(2), 164–175. Retrieved from
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