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Tinnapat Srikachin
Marut Patphol
Danulada Jamjuree


The purpose of this research article is to analyze the components and behaviors indicating creative problem-solving competencies of upper primary school students across the country. Using a mixed methods research method, the research method consists of 2 steps as follows: 1. Create inductive conclusions by synthesizing the definition and components of creative problem-solving competencies of upper primary school students. From research documents in the period 2017 - 2022 2. Create conclusions confirming the elements and behaviors indicating creative problem-solving competencies of upper primary school students. By means of focus group discussions with 2 groups of experts, those who received national or international innovation awards and the upper primary school student advisors who received national or international innovation awards, a total of 10 persons, and analyze content data and document analysis. The research results found that the competencies Creative problem solving for upper primary school students consists of 3 elements: 1. Seeking a conclusion to the real problem. Consists of behavior of observing problems, asking questions, and striving to solve problems. Use technology to search for information Can collect information Check the reliability of the information Able to analyze problems Order of importance of problems Identify the real problem Analyze the causes of problems and identify the causes of problems. 2. Creating a creative problem solving model includes behavior and analyzing the elements of a complete problem solving model. Generate new problem solving ideas Evaluate the pros and cons of the solution. Able to identify ideas according to one's own imagination and analyze many ways to solve problems. 3 Systematic problem solving includes problem-solving planning behavior. Solve problems as planned Test the method that solves the problem. Evaluate the appropriateness of the solution. Improve the method to solve problems appropriately. Complete problems on time and solve problems together with friends.

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How to Cite
Srikachin, T., Patphol, M., & Jamjuree, D. (2023). ANALYSIS COMPONENTS OF CREATIVE PROBLEM SOLVING COMPETENCY OF UPPER PRIMARY SCHOOL STUDENTS THAILAND. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 7(10), 325–334. Retrieved from
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