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Namphone Chaidee
Yingyot Jitjack
Kittayachon Tongtammasatit


This research article was aimed: 1) to study conditions and problems in brand design and development, 2) to design and develop branding to create identity and create value to biomass charcoal briquette of Nong Leng Pattana enterprise in Chonburi province, and 3) to transfer the knowledge obtained from the research results using a mixed research model. An in-depth personal interview was used as qualitative research tool. The 25 main informants were specifically selected, including community representatives, those who have income from community products, academics and related agencies. For quantitative analysis, a questionnaire was used to collect the data from population of 50 people. Key informants included community committee representatives, people and those who have income from selling community products, academics, agencies related to community product policy formulation in Thailand and people in the community. The results were as follow: the charcoal briquettes market was highly saturated. There were many brands that offered similar products. This led to a lack of product differentiation. Moreover, consumers were price sensitive. Many consumers were still unaware of the benefits and differences between different types of biomass charcoal briquettes. This made it difficult for brands to communicate specific features effectively. Limited distribution channels affected brand reach. The study of brand design showed that the brand name of the product is “Charcoal Man”. The phrase means people in the community whose main occupation is traditional charcoal burning and they are proficient in burning charcoal. The logo was designed in a Thai word with the image of charcoal was used instead of a Thai vowel ‘Sara-um’ and below was a picture of people joined together as one expressing community products. The logo was also designed to look like a charcoal kiln and a leaf-like shape was used instead of a Thai vowel ‘Mai-ek’ expressing the identity of the product that is environmentally friendly. As for the branding guidelines, it should be proceeded according to the concept of 3i Model including brand identity, brand image, and brand integrity. In addition, the results of transferring knowledge from research to community enterprises and interested parties found that they could actually be practically increased the competitiveness of entrepreneurs, and it could generate income and add value to products, as well.

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How to Cite
Chaidee, N., Jitjack, Y., & Tongtammasatit, K. (2023). BRAND DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT FOR IDENTITY AND VALUE CREATION FOR BIOMASS CHARCOAL BRIQUETTE OF NONG LENG PATTANA ENTERPRISE, CHONBURI PROVINCE. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 7(10), 350–363. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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