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This study aims to investigate the ways in which poverty-related issues are addressed, with a particular emphasis on the target region of Hua Mueang Sub-district, Muang Pan District, Lampang Province. Participatory action research is being used in this qualitative study. The target population, which consists of 79 network partners and community leaders, is the poor people included in the Poverty Survey Database. Employ semi-structured research tools, such as interviews. Additionally, employ focus groups, observation, and interviewing approaches to gather data. applying content analysis. According to the study, the Hua Mueang sub-district has a lot of agricultural potential, with a concentration on highland farming. The weather is cool in this area. Additionally, it possesses physical traits associated with maintaining culture and the old way of life. Additionally, it possesses physical traits associated with the traditional way of life and cultural preservation of the group of people who follow the original ethnic heritage rituals. Consequently, This results from collaborating to analyze the possibilities of the community and producing to application of social resources to generate value addition and help Huamueang become a model for improvement based on the guiding concepts of "community tourism and highland agriculture cities." Consists of 3 primary components, 1) Analysis and determination of stakeholders. 2) The community's primary focus and financial resource is the impoverished. 3) Outlining the tasks strategies or rules for resolving issues related to poverty. It entails managing the flowering plant cultivation, especially in light of the marigold flower agriculture's guiding principles, and raising black crickets in the Jae-Sone mineral water region, participating in community tourism. Based on the findings of employing models to address poverty along three major axes in Hua Mueang subdistricts will make the situation stable and long-lasting.
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