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Somnuk Kamlangdet
Rungtiwa Yamrung
Kittichai Suthasinobol


The Study of component and indicators of creative problem solving components for grade 5 students. The purposes of this research were to: 1) Study the main components, sub-components and indicators of creative problem solving for grade 5 students, 2) To confirm the suitability of the main supporting components subcomponents and indicators of creative problem solving for grade 5 students using content analysis and confirmation of appropriateness by experts. The sample group consisted of 5 experts by purposive selection. Tools used include a scale to evaluate the appropriateness of the components and factors of creative problem solving. The researcher collected data from a total of 5 experts by using a suitability assessment form of an evaluation scale, data analysis used content analysis and finding the average and standard deviation. The results of the study were found: 1) The results of the study of the main components, sub-components and indicators creative problem solving for grade 5 students, it was found that there are 3 main components, consisting of 1) problem solving, 2) thinking, consisting of critical thinking. and creative thinking and 3) decision making, sub-components, 12 sub-components and has 18 indicators. 2) The results confirm the appropriateness of the main components, subcomponents and indicators of creative problem solving for grade 5 students by experts it was found that the total average was higher than the specified criteria is (X = 4.84, S.D.= 0.55) at the highest level. This means that all components and indicators are consistent and affect the develop creative problem solving for grade 5 students and have a step-by-step process that will encourage students to develop creative skills in behavior to confirm the suitability of the main supporting component, subcomponent and indicators of creative problem solving for grade 5 students, well how about content analysis and confirmation of suitability by experts.

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How to Cite
Kamlangdet, S., Yamrung, R. ., & Suthasinobol, K. (2023). COMPOSITION AND DEVELOPMENT OF INDICATORS OF CREATIVE PROBLEM SOLVING COMPONENTS FOR MATHAYOM 5 STUDENT, SARABURI WITTHAYAKHOM SCHOOL. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 7(11), 239–250. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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