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Jeerapa Damrongpokaphan


The purpose of this research was to study the fungicidal activity of pomegranate extracts in the group dermatophytes and to test the effectiveness of pomegranate extracts in inhibiting the fungus group dermatophyte by comparing the size of inhibition zone of fungi tested with pomegranate extract and group of fungi. Dermatophyte 5 species using the agar well diffusion method and comparing the results with clotrimazole using pomegranate extract, which is a fruit that has beneficial extracts. Pomegranate can fight inflammation and allergic reactions. It has the effect of reducing inflammatory proteins in cells such as neutrophils, macrophages, and monocytes. It was found that the hot and humid climate of the southern region is a factor that promotes the growth of fungi. As a result, the population is prone to skin diseases caused by fungi and yeast. Medicine to treat skin fungus It must be used continuously, is expensive, and has side effects such as facial irritation, peeling, redness, blisters, swelling, itching and hives. Some patients turn to using natural or herbal medicines instead of medicine. The benefits of pomegranate extract are important in treating various symptoms. Especially the effect of inhibiting fungus. The research results found that mechanism of action of pomegranate extract from experiments can stop the germs of the group dermatophytes between 31.25-11.72 mg/mL, inhibits infection T. mentagrophytes, M.canis, T.rubrum, E.floccosum. M.gypseum by the experimental method of using the antifungal drug clotrimazole at a concentration of 100mg /ml can inhibit infection. M.canis, M.gympseum, T. mentagrophytes, T.rubrum, E.floccosum Pomegranate extract has a mechanism of action through the genetic pathway. The body can respond to proteins in different ways or forms.

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How to Cite
Damrongpokaphan, J. (2023). STUDY ON ANTIFUNGAL ACTIVITY OF POMEGRANATE EXTRACT. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 7(11), 273–282. Retrieved from
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