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Udchari Arjarasirikoon
Charin Phakprapai


This article on good practices for snorkeling in the Samae San Islands area. Chonburi Province. The objectives are 1) to study operations in the areas of Koh Samae San and Koh Pla – muek, 2) to study good practices for snorkeling activities in the areas of Koh Samae San Koh Pla – muek, and 3) to determine good practices for snorkeling activities. Shallow water in the areas of Koh Samae San and Koh Pla – muek. This is a participatory action research carried out in 3 steps: Step 1) surveying the conditions regarding snorkeling activities at Koh Samae San and Koh Pla – muek, Step 2) surveying. Guidelines for snorkeling. Step 3) Creating guidelines for snorkeling activities in the Samae San Island area. The population is tourists who travel to Samae San Island. The sample group consisted of 205 tourists who came to snorkel at Koh Samae San and Koh Pla – muek and officers in charge of beach activities. Data collection used methods and tools to collect data, namely 1) a structured questionnaire with tourists, 2) an interview with staff of the Thai Island and Sea Science Museum. Data analysis used the Basic Social Science Statistics (SPSS) program to calculate percentages, means, and standard deviations with the interview results. The results of the study found that tourists are aware of the value of local natural resources. Have awareness of conservation and snorkeling management guidelines. The appropriate course of action is to provide conservation knowledge before diving. Practice using diving equipment until you are confident. Establishing a distance between tourists and coral and wearing a buoyancy vest while diving will reduce environmental damage relative to each other.

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How to Cite
Arjarasirikoon, U., & Phakprapai, C. (2023). SNORKELING GUIDELINES PRACTICES AROUND THE SAMAE SAN ISLANDS, CHONBURI PROVINCE. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 7(11), 308–322. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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