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Orathai Chaiwong
Ratchaneekorn Tongsookdee
Soisuda Vittayakorn
Pikul Leosiripong


This research article aimed to investigate the effects of training in expressing a need to use a toilet under a case study of a child with speech and language impairment and intellectual disability using picture exchange communication system and positive reinforcement. A case study was a 14-year-old boy diagnosed by a physician with speech and language impairments and intellectual disabilities, having communication problems and being unable to express his needs. The research instruments were 1) a positive reinforcement survey, 2) a behavior observation form based on picture exchange communication system to express a need to use a toilet, 3) three individualized education plans, learning unit on going to the toilet. Data were collected from November to December 2021. By organizing activities to teach skills in expressing the need to go to the bathroom using a communication system, exchanging pictures and positive reinforcement in real situations, allowing the case study to participate and practice on its own in the case study classroom. Data were analyzed using frequencies, means, and percentages. The study results indicated that after receiving training in using the communication system to exchange pictures and positive reinforcement in expressing the need to go to the bathroom. Case studies have higher communication skills. Able to express the need to go to the bathroom using the picture exchange communication system, the case study was able to express his need in procedure 1 by 100 %, in procedure 2 (2A-1) by 100 % and in procedure 2 (2A-2) by 100 %. After practicing the picture exchange communication system and positive reinforcement for 10 days, the case study was able to use and had stable development of the picture exchange communication system. From both procedures, the study results indicated that the case study had better development of communication skills as he was able to express his need to use a toilet by using the picture exchange communication system on his own.

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How to Cite
Chaiwong, O. ., Tongsookdee, R. ., Vittayakorn, S. ., & Leosiripong, P. . (2023). (Retracted Article) EFFECTS OF TOILET TRAINING FOR A CHILD WITH SPEECH AND LANGUAGE IMPAIRMENTS AND INTELLECTUAL DISABILITIES BY USING PICTURE EXCHANGE COMMUNICATION SYSTEM AND POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 7(11), 335–346. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JSC/article/view/269487
Research Articles


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