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Kanokwan Rutjanawet
Banyat Yongyuan
Sawitri Thayansin


The objective of this study was to examine attitudes, behaviors, causes, and effects of corporal punishment in children of different age groups. In-depth interviews were conducted with 3 age groups: 1) 4 baby boomers, 2) 8 Generation X, and 3) 8 Generation Y, totaling 20 people. Synthesize content data and examine it with triangular techniques. The results showed that most baby boomers believed corporal punishment was still beneficial, but other forms of punishment should be reduced instead. The causes of punishment are the child's behavior, the experience of the caregiver, and the punishment has affected the child's body. Most Generation X nurturers believe that corporal punishment is something that should be used and used in conjunction with other forms of punishment. Most Generation Y caregivers believe that corporal punishment can still work if other methods do not work. The reasons for punishment are the child's behavior and the caregiver's experience, and the punishment affects the child both physically and mentally. The results showed that the attitudes of baby boomers saw the importance of corporal punishment the most, but in practice it was less used than other groups. The causes of punishment for all 3 ages are the child's behavior and the experience of the caregiver. Generation Y states that physical punishment is required because they do not know how to punish other forms of punishment. Nurturers of all 3 ages see punishment as having an impact on both body and mind.

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How to Cite
Rutjanawet, K., Yongyuan, B., & Thayansin, S. (2023). THE STUDY OF CORPORAL PUNISHMENT IN CHILDREN AMONG PARENTS OF DIFFERENT GENERATIONS. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 7(11), 347–357. retrieved from
Research Articles


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