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Panitta Wongphanich
Rungtiwa Yamrung
Kittichai Suthasinobon


According to the results of the national and international assessments, it was found that grade 6 students' results in mathematics tests were lower than the standards especially problem solving and giving reasons in mathematics which corresponds to the nature of algebraic thinking. Algebraic thinking is a process of analyzing problem situations that use the information received as a basis. Students are able to build relationships, connect, and apply processes to solve problem situations in many ways in order to use a variety of representation to the problem situation and give reason appropriately The objectives of this research were to 1) develop the factors and indicators of algebraic thinking 2) examine the quality of factors and indicators of algebraic thinking. A sample group included 5 expert lecturers in field of mathematics or teaching mathematics who were chosen by purposive sampling. The research instruments used to collect data were a semi - structured interview and the effective of factors and algebraic thinking evaluation. The research data were analyzed by content analysis, IOC, mean and standard deviation. The results revealed that 1) factors and indicators of algebraic thinking of sixth grade students consisted of three main factors; 1) solving problem 2) using representative and presentation 3) giving reasons, eight sub main factors and 8 indicators of algebraic thinking 2) the experts rated the overall quality of the factors and indicators of algebraic thinking of sixth grade students had an IOC value of 0.80 - 1.00, indicating that the factors and indicators of algebraic thinking were consistent and met the standards.

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How to Cite
Wongphanich, P., Yamrung, R., & Suthasinobon, K. (2023). THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE FACTORS AND INDICATORS OF ALGEBRAIC THINKING FOR PRATHOMSUKSA 6 STUDENTS. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 7(12), 139–150. retrieved from
Research Articles


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