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Athipong Phetsute


The objectives of this research were to study: 1) the level of operational problems of immigration police officers along the southern border checkpoint, 2) factors influencing operational problems, and 3) the solution model of operational problems. This research was mixed methodology research. The sample group consisted of 225 people determined Yamane’s formula and interviewed 11 informants. Quantitative analysis by distributing 214 questionnaires. Statistics used for data analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation., One-way ANOVA, F- test, pairwise difference test using LSD method, and stepwise multiple regression analysis. The research results revealed that: 1) operational problems was the amount of work and duties, tools, number of officers, co-workers, compensation, benefits, workplace, time periods, welfare and safety were at low level and different personal officers showed no difference on operational problems. 2) Factors Influencing operational problems including technology and communication, environment, life quality, and when testing the hypothesis, it was found that. Officers who different genders, ages, educational levels, position ranks showed no difference opinions on factors influencing operational problems. By officers who different monthly incomes showed difference on efficiency, life quality and technology and communication with statistically significant level of .05, and 3 ) the solution model of operational problems were knowledge promotion, improve computer systems and technology systems , increase the number of officers, reduce document checking steps, there are modern tools and equipment, promote teamwork, meeting to clarify and listen to problems and methods for solving problems

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How to Cite
Phetsute, A. (2024). OPERATIONAL PROBLEMS OF IMMIGRATION POLICE OFFICERS ALONG THE SOUTHERN BORDER CHECKPOINT. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 8(1), 55–66. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JSC/article/view/269623
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