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Monasit Sittisomboon


The strategy of proactive learning management is an approach that presents learning in a new perspective with three systemic components: input, process, and product. This strategy entails the necessity of organizing various facilitative factors in teaching and learning, such as documents, audiovisual aids, projectors, air quality, food, desks, chairs, cleanliness of the classroom, curtains, flowers, etc. It emphasizes the process where learners actively participate in their learning through questioning, group activities, discussions, presentations, singing, expressing opinions, reflecting thoughts, critiquing, role-playing, and more. The primary aim is to enable learners to achieve learning outcomes in terms of ethics, mindset, and behavioral skills. The strategy involves arranging activities and learning experiences that actively engage learners in the learning process, awakening their intellectual, social, emotional, perceptual, and physical aspects. A key principle of proactive learning management is to involve learners actively in the learning process, enabling them to seek, select, and create knowledge independently. Teachers play a crucial role in orchestrating activities that maximize learner involvement and creating an inclusive atmosphere. The importance of proactive learning management lies in fostering collaboration among learners, encouraging their active participation in teaching and learning, and creating a conducive learning environment that prioritizes learner-centric learning.

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How to Cite
Sittisomboon, M. (2024). PROACTIVE LEARNING MANAGEMENT STRATEGY. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 8(1), 164–172. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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