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Thamma Jairtalawanich
Pansak Polsaram
Sirichan Sathirakul Tachaphahapong


This research article objectives are 1) to study the policy and conditions of higher education for the elderly in Thailand, 2) to study best practices for the education of higher education institutions for an aging society, both domestically and abroad and 3) to develop a road map. Providing higher education for an aging society the research method consists of 3 steps. Step 1: Studying policies and conditions of education provision, Step 2: Studying best practices both domestically and abroad and Step 3: Developing a road map. As for best practices all 6 countries have the same format. Studying for happiness and emphasize learning together between the elderly and students. It was found that many formats can be applied to Thailand. And the road map found strategic issues in all 5 areas as follows: 1) the lecturer, which is the development of appropriate knowledge and skills of teachers and the promotion of the use of technology and digital tools in learning for elderly learners. 2) the learner, learning is the promotion of lifelong learning among elderly learners. Emphasis is placed on creating motivation for learning. 3) the administrative, aspect is developing and strengthening the higher education system for elderly learners with the needs of the learners. 4) the curriculum, aspect is developing and improving the curriculum for higher education to meet the needs of elderly learners able to develop skills related to daily life and 5) the support services, are creating an ecosystem to be suitable for learning provide support services to help elderly learners access and learn appropriately.

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How to Cite
Jairtalawanich, T., Polsaram, P., & Sathirakul Tachaphahapong, S. (2024). DEVELOPMENT OF HIGHER EDUCATION MANAGEMENT ROAD MAP FOR AGING SOCIETY. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 8(1), 77–88. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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