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Thapakorn Thongkamnush
Jittraporn Therawat
Benjaporn Chuapung
Benjarong Phuensaard


This research addresses the following three principal objectives: 1) to survey the management behaviors of service innovation in the hotel business in Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya 2) to analysis the potential of service innovation based on cultural heritage in Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya 3) to design guidelines for enhancing the level of service innovation in the hotel business based on cultural heritage in Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya. All by considering the case of Ayutthaya province. On this premise, the experiment has been conducted by applying both qualitative and quantitative methods. By using the former method, thirty (30) expert’s interviews were designed and conducted from representative groups that included, among others, in-depth interviews with selected academic scholars and entrepreneurs. For the latter part, quantitative analysis was instead conducted by using data analysis based on data collection from the statistical population of four hundreds and nine (409) from Thai and foreigner tourist segments. The analysis was then performed by using averaging values and standard deviations. Three principal outcomes can be synthesized from the experiment. First, values from the service innovation can be realized by applying technology in experience design, particularly in consideration of cultural heritage for both products and services. Second, there are, according to the experiment, two most important categories that influence the experimental results: product design and process innovation, with both factors grounded on the premise of cultural heritage. Third and last, there are four (4) most important types of innovation (“4RES MODE”) that stand out from the experiment, which are, Relation Service Innovation ,Remembrance Service Innovation ,Regional culture Service Innovation ,Relaxing Service Innovation— that altogether play critically important roles in advancing innovative service potentials, and improving corresponding service management there of as intended

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How to Cite
Thongkamnush, T., Therawat, J., Chuapung, B., & Phuensaard, B. (2024). ENHANCEMENT OF SERVICE INNOVATION IN HOTEL BUSINESS BASED ON CULTURAL HERITAGE IN PHRA NAKHON SI AYUTTHAYA PROVINCE. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 8(2), 217–231. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JSC/article/view/270357
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