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Suchawadee Somsamran
Marut Patphol
Danulada Jamjuree


The objective of this research is to examine behavioral indicators of innovative problem-solving abilities among Rajabhat University’s student teachers. In this study, a mixed research technique was used, determine a group of experts for interviews using a purposive selection strategy. Seven professionals are qualified based on their properties. Have knowledge, skills, and experience structuring learning in higher education institutions through problem-solving and innovation processes. or has knowledge and abilities. Have prior experience with problem solving and innovation, or have completed academic studies in these areas. Semi-structured interviews, conducted by the researcher himself, are used as research instruments. Due to the COVID-19 epidemic, we conducted online interviews through Zoom meetings. The study's findings revealed that Rajabhat University's student teachers' innovative problem-solving abilities consisted of four components: 1) The ability to recognize challenges encountered by learners during learning. Indication behavior involves identifying the problem and determining its root cause. and select and prioritize problems that must be solved. 2) The ability to generate ideas and come up with innovative problem-solving solutions Searching for and collecting information is an example of indicative behavior. Analyze the data found. Gather solutions to difficulties. and apply innovative problem-solving strategies. 3) Ability to generate new ideas for problem solutions Indicative behavior is innovative design, testing, evaluating, and improving innovation. And 4) The ability to share innovation has behavioral indicators, such as experimentation with innovation to solve challenges. and transfer innovation. Examine the outline of behavioral indicators provided by experts. Consistency was 0.93, and checking the appropriateness of the indicated behavior in all 4 areas had an average appropriateness of 4.92.

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How to Cite
Somsamran, S., Patphol, M., & Jamjuree, D. (2024). THE STUDY OF BEHAVIORAL INDICATORS OF INNOVATIVE PROBLEM-SOLVING ABILITIES AMONG RAJABHAT UNIVERSITY’S STUDENT TEACHERS. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 8(2), 107–117. Retrieved from
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