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Phitchayapha Primpray
Pongpat Buapet
Suppharerk Kathammanee
Chanyaphak Chaiyaphan
Wilawan Phumee


This research aims to 1) analyze the supply chain costs of the community enterprise’s products 2) to study the problems and obstacles of the community enterprise’s products 3) to suggest the guidelines for supply chain operations of the community enterprise. The research collected quantitative and qualitative from the data sources. The data were further analyzed and presented in percentages, averages and descriptions in order to understand the model for managing problems, obstacles, supply chain costs through the analysis of supply chain costs. The results showed that the supply chain cost management of three community enterprises including: 1) rubber hats, logistics costs from main activities was 39.21 percent and supporting activities was 13.3 percent. Direct raw materials accounted for 44.71 percent, indirect raw material costs were one percent, and consumable items constituted 0.25 percent of the total cost; 2) Tie-dye fabric had logistics costs of 9.20 percent from support activities, 39.50 percent from core activities, 13.50 percent from consumable items, 10.25 percent from indirect raw material costs, 24.38 percent from direct labor costs and 100 percent of direct raw materials and 3) Banana chip production has logistics costs of 13.9 percent from support activities, 64.1 percent from core activities, no consumable item costs, 19.06 percent from indirect raw material costs, 61.14 percent from direct labor costs, and 16.3 percent from direct material costs. Comparing the costs of all three community enterprises, it has been demonstrated that in the processing of raw materials into finished products, the majority of the processing costs are in direct labor costs combined with direct material costs, and there are logistics costs both directly and indirectly. This underscores the need for urgent improvements in labor utilization and market strategies for the community enterprise.

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How to Cite
Primpray, P., Buapet, P., Kathammanee, S., Chaiyaphan, C., & Phumee, W. (2024). SUPPLY CHAIN COST MANAGEMENT OF THE COMMUNITY ENTERPRISE PRODUCT GROUP PHIPUN DISTRICT NAKHON SI THAMMARAT PROVINCE. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 8(2), 357–368. Retrieved from
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