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Nilubon Katkaew
Wipawan Wongsuwan Kongpao
Chutima Suraseth


The purpose of this research article was to develop a program to promote the employability of graduate students based on the concept of psychological strength and behavioral theory principles, and evaluate the quality of the program as follows: 1) Studying and analyzing basic data for program development and determining the components of the program to promote employability, and 2) Developing and evaluating the quality of the program to promote employability. The qualified individuals involved in the research include 5 qualified professionals in curriculum development, psychology, research, and educational evaluation. The research tools used include an assessment questionnaire to measure the accuracy and appropriateness of the program, data analysis using mean and standard deviation, and assessment of program component congruence (IOC) analysis. The research found that the program to promote employability consisted of 7 components: 1) Principles, 2) Specific objectives, 3) Content, and 4) Program steps, which included assessing existing beliefs, reinforcing new beliefs, preparing for goals, expanding diverse life experiences, and achieving success, 5) Structure and learning activities in the program, 6) Program learning management approach, and 7) Measurement and evaluation methods. The quality assessment results from the qualified individuals found that the program to promote employability was highly suitable (gif.latex?\bar{x} = 4.86, SD. = 0.19). The data analysis from the qualified individuals and the experimental implementation found that the program was effective in helping students develop themselves for employability by increasing flexibility in the duration of learning activities and providing appropriate trainers to facilitate the program's activities.

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How to Cite
Katkaew, N., Wongsuwan Kongpao, W., & Suraseth, C. (2024). DEVELOPMENT OF A PROGRAM FOR ENHANCING OPENNESS TO EXPERIENCE OF UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS BASED ON MENTAL TOUGHNESS AND THEORY OF PLANNED BEHAVIOR. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 8(2), 138–150. retrieved from
Research Articles


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