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Nadthanon Chirakitnimit


The water shortage problem is getting worse every year. Because the watershed forest was destroyed and the population increased As a result, the demand for water will also increase. From the problems mentioned above, the author expresses his views to present water resources problems. and spatial and social elements as well as guidelines for solving water resource problems Ban Huai Salob, located in the Nawamintharachini Pa Sak area, is a project under the initiative of Her Majesty Queen Sirikit. Her Majesty the Queen It is a village affected by water problems. And in the area there are still repeated problems due to the mountainous conditions. In the dry season, there is a problem of not having enough water. Even though the community as a whole is not rich in forest resources. and flash floods in the rainy season As well as some reservoirs that are far away. And is lower than the community, thus causing problems in drawing water for use because water cannot be brought up to high ground. And another problem is the cleanliness of water used for consumption. Even though each household has a water fountain But it cannot filter much sediment mixed with water. Causing people in the community to have health problems such as finger disease, skin disease, and dental tartar disease, etc., and solutions to solve the problem by having relevant agencies support the participation of people in the community as the main basis and to have participation in setting guidelines in a systematic way Holistic, taking into account integration in 3 ways: 1) integration of resources, 2) integration of organization and agency, and 3) roles and responsibilities and integration of problems, plans, projects, and academics.

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How to Cite
Chirakitnimit, N. (2024). WATER PROBLEMS IN THE AREA OF BAN HUAI SALOP, HUAI PHA SUBDISTRICT, MUEANG DISTRICT, MAE HONG SON PROVINCE. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 8(2), 336–347. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JSC/article/view/270662
Academic Article


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