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This research is qualitative research. The objectives are to 1) study the local culture in the ancestor worship ceremony of the Kui-Khmer community, Southern Isan Local Community . as the soft power of the community 2) to study the communication model in transmitting local culture in the ancestral ceremony of the Kui-Khmer community and the result of this research will present some guidelines for developing integrated communications to convey local culture as a soft power that can benefit communities in creating unity and promoting the creative economy and tourism. By studying in the area of Sangkha District Surin Province, due to this local community that has a unique identity in terms of culture. wisdom and belief Including ancient sites which are physical evidence. The researcher uses the concept of communication. and the concept of community cultural economy It is a framework for studying. From document study and in-depth interviews with a key informant of 10 people, selected purposively. The research tools used were in-depth interviews. The research results found that the value of local cultural traditions as soft power. It is a power and an important tool that helps create unity. Help and support occur in the community. On the one hand, the soft power that was conveyed by Old Man Cham in the ancestral ceremony. It functions like common law with regulations that determine behavior in living together between people and people. people and nature It is a power without coercion. Leads to willing and sustained compliance. Soft power communicated through the tradition of offering offerings to ancestors thus bringing peace to the community Living together under mutual assistance Conservation of natural resources and a sense of community ownership. which is an important basis for sustainable development of local communities.
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