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Kantima Phueaktai
Wichian Thamrongsotthisakul
Monasit Sittisomboon


Promoting self-directed learning, a crucial skill for learner development, involves granting learners true freedom in exploring various subjects. This approach prepares them to confidently face diverse challenges as they grow. Self-directed learning is an ongoing educational process that focuses on enhancing learners' capabilities throughout their lives. It fosters a broad learning community, allowing individuals to pursue knowledge, skills, and potentials based on their interests and abilities. By encouraging self-reliance, learners gain control over their life journeys, making more informed decisions and developing resilience to confidently confront challenges. Whether as parents, guardians, or educators, it is essential to introduce and cultivate a sense of independent learning. The causal factors influencing learners' self-reliance can be categorized into two aspects.            1) Situational Factors Affecting Learner Independence: 1.1) Support from family and school 1.2) Positive role models in close proximity 1.3) Influence from online media 1.4) School environment and culture. And 1.5) School management that supports self-reliance. 2) Psychological Traits and Learner Independence: 2.1) Intrinsic motivation and perseverance 2.2) Goal-setting and self-control 2.3) Self-efficacy beliefs 2.4) Attitude towards self-reliance and 2.5) Knowledge and understanding of self-reliance. In conclusion, understanding and promoting self-directed learning require addressing both situational and psychological factors. Emphasizing these aspects helps create an environment conducive to fostering independence, ultimately preparing learners to meet challenges with confidence.

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How to Cite
Phueaktai, K., Thamrongsotthisakul, W., & Sittisomboon, M. (2024). SELF-DIRECTED LEARNING IN PERSONAL INDEPENDENCE AND GENUINE UNDERSTANDING. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 8(2), 1–10. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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