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Supagtra Suthasupa


This academic article aims to present the concepts people have about nature, which is the basis of environmental policy and resource management. Environmental policy is a political product because people perceive that environmental and resource problems belong to multi-stakeholders. There are many people affected and the problems must be resolved. The political organization will be the one to decide on how to solve the environmental problem. This article has collected ideas from the documents on the issues of people’s perspectives on their nature and environment. Three main concepts include Eco - centric Perspective or Deep Green, Anthropocentric Perspective or Shallow Green, and Techno - centric Perspective or Technology and Green Solution Approach. It is found that these 3 concepts relate to the environmental policy, pushing forward changes and solving environmental problems, in 3 main approaches: Neo-Multhusian Model, Ecological Modernization Theory and Political Economy/World Systems Theory. Furthermore, there are models for solving environmental problems through resource management according to the economic theory. It uses economic reasoning of individuals and collective management of groups, that will be more beneficial and not destroy resources. Solving environmental problems according to economic theory regarding resource management has three forms: Hardin’s Tragedy of the Commons, Game Theory or Prisoner's’ Dilemma, and Olson’s Logic of Collective Actions. Environmental politics has many conceptual frameworks because it is based on people's relationships and perspectives on the natural environment. Each approach has its own values and shortcomings. A society will be better to choose one that suits to its own context to deliver desired environmental policies.

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How to Cite
Suthasupa, S. (2024). PEOPLE’S PERSPECTIVES ON NATURE: A BASIS OF ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 8(3), 98–109. retrieved from
Academic Article


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