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Kanchit Kamlangkla
Sopa Nudang
Papaporn Roipromma
Saneh Sompoangeon
Sakda Prechawathanasakul


The objectives of this research were to: 1) study the guidelines to increase the value of waste materials from Gros Michel Banana pseudostem fiber; 2) develop fiberboard from waste materials from Gros Michel Banana pseudostem fiber; and 3) develop products from Gros Michel Banana pseudostem fiberboard. This research utilized a mixed method of qualitative research and quantitative research. This consists of group discussion and participatory action research. The study area is Raimaipattana subdistrict, Cha-am district, Phetchaburi province. The sample group consisted of 30 representatives of Gros Michel Banana farmers and representatives from Wai Wan community enterprises, 5 experts, and 100 home decor enthusiasts. Data collection tools consist of a data collection form and questionnaires. Qualitative data were analyzed using inductive conclusions and quantitative data using percentages, statistics, the mean, and the standard deviation. The results of the research were: 1) Have a participatory action of separating banana sheath fibers using a machine to shear into ropes. Also, husks from separating banana sheath fibers were developed into products for the guideline of increasing the value of waste materials from golden banana husks. 2) Fine and coarse fiberboard sheets made from mixing scraps of flaky fiber and bonding glue for hot extrusion were tested for the physical and mechanical properties of flat plywood sheets according to the standard TIS 876-2547. It was found that the fiberboard passed the quality criteria. 3) Develop fiberboard into five prototypes of the table and chair product set. After being evaluated by an expert, it was found that the one with Piet Mondrian’s art composition idea is the most appropriate. Then, produce a prototype and test it with a sample group. It was found that the average sum of the overall factors is a high level of satisfaction. (gif.latex?\bar{x} =4.26, S.D. = 0.01)

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How to Cite
Kamlangkla, K., Nudang, S., Roipromma, P., Sompoangeon, S., & Prechawathanasakul, S. (2024). GUIDELINES TO INCREASE THE VALUE OF WASTE MATERIALS FROM GROS MICHEL BANANA PSEUDOSTEM FIBER TO FIBERBOARD FOR PRODUCT DESIGN. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 8(2), 247–260. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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