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Mannan Mamah
Apichart Pholprasert
Duangkamol Triwichitkhun


The objectives of this research were to: 1) Study the characteristics of the social and cultural conditions and the elements that cause conflict; 2) Study the elements or foundations of Thai art and apply them to the organization the process of relational art and Development of Thai art integration activities to promote a culture of peace. The population for this research was a purposive sampling of 35 experts in seven fields: peace studies, art education, contemporary artists, Thai art, event organizing, traditional activities, and community leaders. The communities in Bangkok were selected based on their multiculturality, art, culture, and traditions that integrate Thai art wisdom. This research and development study used qualitative methods in two phases:

  1. Data Collection and Contextual Analysis; Expert interviews and community observation. The research tools used were: 1) In-depth interviews; 2) Observation of data and the general condition of the community. The data was analyzed using data clustering and content analysis. 2. Activity Model Development; The results of the research found that: Development of integration of Thai art activities to promote the culture of peace focuses on four objectives: 1) understanding and trust, 2) love and respect, 3) non-violence, and 4) participation and cooperation. This is the application of the principles of Thai art wisdom using relational aesthetics, which is an aesthetic experience in a contemporary art based on shared elements or foundations in Thai art that have the same common point, and the 7 elements of activity theory that are in line with the community's way of life to the event activities. There are three main thematic activities: 1) Local food of the community: Showcasing local food with historical significance and integrating the way of life through collaborative efforts. 2) History of the community: Using local history to link relationships through activities for practical use and development. 3) Sense of community: Engaging in activities based on shared interests and common use, fostering interdependence and close relationships to build sustainable peace culture.

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How to Cite
Mamah, M., Pholprasert, A., & Triwichitkhun, D. (2024). INTEGRATION OF THAI ART ACTIVITIES TO PROMOTE THE CULTURE OF PEACE MODEL. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 8(2), 204–216. Retrieved from
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