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Piyata Nuanlaong
Wittayatorn Tokeaw


The objective of this research was to study the conceptual framework for designing policies and the city development policy design process. This was qualitative research based on in-depth interviews among 27 the key informants The results of the research showed that 1) the conceptual framework for designing policies was based on 3 main concepts: 1.1) city development policies have great importance for the candidate running for mayor, for the voters, for the communities, for the political process, and for social responsibility; 1.2) the expectations for city development policies are that they will open up more opportunities for economic growth, they will improve the quality of life, they will make basic infrastructure more convenient, they will promote environmental conservation and they will stimulate public participation; 1.3) the owners and operators of the city development policies will be fair to all groups, will be transparent, will be informed by diverse opinions, will build up good relations and inspire confidence among the people. 2) The city development policy design process has 5 steps: 2.1) understanding the problems, researching the problems, and systematically assessing people’s needs; 2.2) defining the problems and needs, searching for multi-dimensional intelligent solutions, and clearly explaining and highlighting the problems; 2.3) the thinking stage, focused on creating the sense of belonging, brainstorming with participation from every group, setting clear action plans, and designing communication methods; 2.4) building models, with an emphasis on communicating policy ideas in a way that is easy to recall and makes the policies sound new, different, unusual and challenging; and lastly 2.5) the testing phase, focusing on trying out the policies on groups of voters and network allies, see if the policies are clearly understood, feel out people’s attitudes, and test their behavior. The results of the trials can be used to adapt the policy statements before using.

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How to Cite
Nuanlaong, P., & Tokeaw, W. (2024). POLICY DESIGNING IN THUNGSONG CITY DEVELOPMENT, NAKHON SI THAMMARAT PROVINCE FOR MAYOR ELECTION CAMPAIGN BY SINGHNOOM TEAM. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 8(3), 216–229. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JSC/article/view/271113
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