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Benjarat Kaweenantachai
Umarin Tulalak


This research article aims to study the afterlife in Kanti Na Sattha's poetry using the concept of afterlife from a philosophical perspective and the concept of life after death according to Buddhist principles by studying four volumes of Kanti Na Sattha's poetry betwenn 1995-2007: Growing Old Alone, Notes from Suan Mokkh, Where the Mountains Break Through the Clouds and Reports From the Village. The results of the research found that the afterlife in Kanti Na Sattha's poetry can be divided into three categories. The first is the afterlife of the immortal soul which is consistent with the spiritualist philosophical view on the immortality of the soul which is the true life that does not decay through the body and can exist in both the human world and the spiritual world, including 1) the immortal life of the soul in the human world and 2) the immortal life of the soul in the spiritual world. The second is Life after death with rebirth which is consistent with the Buddhist view of rebirth and the law of karma, including 1) rebirth in the human world 2) rebirth in another world and the third is the liberation from the cycle of birth and death (Nirvana) which is consistent with the Buddhist view of the ultimate goal of life. From the study it can be seen that Kanti Na Sattha aims to present the truth of life, the relationship and balance between human life and nature and the principles of Buddhist teachings thought the poetry that can help people in society follow the correct path of life to live happily, and sees the value of the highest goal of life according to Buddhist principles, which is Nirvana. It is seen as important literature that advances knowledge and comprehension of the reality of afterlife.

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How to Cite
Kaweenantachai, B., & Tulalak, U. (2024). AFTERLIFE IN POETRY OF KANTI NA SATTHA. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 8(3), 88–97. Retrieved from
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