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Khomvit Suksanee
Ninusra Mintrasak
Areef Makae


This research aims to: Extract lessons from the consultative democratic guidelines in the revitalization and reconstruction process, with a case study of the rice-farming community schools in La Ha village, Narathiwat Province. Find ways to develop a consultative democratic model, with a case study of the rice-farming community schools in La Ha village, Narathiwat Province. This is a qualitative research study, with key informants including school group chairpersons, members, and representatives of the rice-farming community schools, village elders, and sub-district administrative organization officers, totaling 9 individuals. The researchers selected these informants based on theoretical frameworks and researcher discretion, leveraging their familiarity with the area to recognize the capabilities of the data providers. The purposive selection method aimed to identify main data providers under the research study framework. Subsequently, group discussions were conducted, along with participatory observation, data analysis using triangulation methods for comparison, studying findings, categorizing and systematizing data, interpreting results in an inductive manner, analyzing common conclusions, and presenting narrative data. The research findings indicate: 1) Lessons from the consultative democratic guidelines in the revitalization and reconstruction process are divided into three aspects: 1.1) Consultative democracy through the reconstruction process. 1.2)Consultative democracy through the construction of rice-farming community schools. 1.3) Consultative democracy through the creation of central spaces and networks of rice-farming community schools. 2) Development pathways for a consultative democratic model involve elevating discussions through village network connections, starting from identifying problems faced by rice farmers to problem-solving through consultative discussions within the network. Additionally, providing other areas with opportunities for joint discussions may require diverse processes.

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How to Cite
Suksanee, K., Mintrasak, N., & Makae, A. (2024). CONSULTATIVE DEMOCRACY TOWARDS ABANDONED FIELDS REVIVAL CASE STUDY: FARMER SCHOOL BAN LAHA, NARATHIWAT PROVINCE. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 8(3), 264–273. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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