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Wuttichai Wong-In
Titipat Iamnirun
Hassaporn Thongdaeng
Saman Ngamsanit


This research aims to study 1) the components of communication competency utilized by subdistrict municipal mayors in performing their duties. 2) factors including personal characteristics, knowledge and attitudes, communication patterns, and personal integrity that correlate with the communication competency of subdistrict municipal mayors. The research employs a mixed-methods approach, starting with qualitative research by collecting data from subdistrict municipal mayors who have held their positions continuously for at least 8 years, totaling 15 individuals, using purposive sampling and conducting in-depth interviews with a semi-structured interview guideline to analyze foundational and significant content. Subsequently, quantitative research was conducted by gathering data from 225 subdistrict municipal mayors using cluster random sampling from 5 regions of Thailand. A validated questionnaire was employed, and statistical analysis including descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, and the chi-square test were utilized. The research findings reveal that there are seven components of communication competence utilized by sub-district municipality mayors in their duties, namely: 1.1) Speaking and Presentation, 1.2) Listening, 1.3) Personality, 1.4) Relationship Building with the Public, 1.5) Image Building, 1.6) Communication Channel Establishment, and 1.7) Utilization of Modern Communication Technology. Statistical analysis indicates significant correlations (at the 0.01 and 0.05 levels) between communication competence and factors such as general characteristics, knowledge and attitude, communication patterns, and personal attributes. This suggests that the most effective performance of duties requires the utilization of all seven communication competencies, in conjunction with self-derived and external factors.

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How to Cite
Wong-In, W., Iamnirun, T., Thongdaeng, H., & Ngamsanit, S. (2024). COMMUNICATION COMPETENCY DEVELOPMENT OF MAYOR OF SUBDISTRICT MUNICIPALITY. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 8(3), 72–87. Retrieved from
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