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Thanaporn Saiwongpanya
Intira Phrompan


This academic article aims to study the guidelines for organizing activities learning to promote the art and culture appreciation in the local. Collecting ideas of the guidelines for organizing activities used in this study were the individual experts: 1) Team Based Learning 2) Art and Culture of Kamphaeng Phet province 3) Experiential Learning Theory 4) Appreciation Design Theory. Instruments for collecting ideas of the guidelines for organizing activities were questionnaire and then analyze of data. The finding indicates the guidelines for organizing activities learning to promote the art and culture appreciation in the local, the results as follows: 1) Individual and group work is done by Team Based Learning, grouping, processing and positive interaction. 2) The component of activities promoting the art and culture appreciation in the local: 2.1) The activity plan includes 3 steps: introduction, practice and conclusion, 2.2) instructional media, 2.3) art work, and 2.4) learning assessment and evaluation which analyzes from the affective and cognitive domain. 3) The identity of local culture: Good art activities have to encourage students to be able to identify the strengths and define the value of that art and culture. 4) The reinforcement of learning skill according to age group and the indicators of basic education core curriculum B.E. 2551: Main skills includes 2 skills: 4.1) Skills in analyzing, criticizing, and criticizing the value of visual arts and 4.2) Arts creative skills and soft skills includes 2 skills: 4.2.1) Teamwork skills and 4.2.2) 21st Century Skills.

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How to Cite
Saiwongpanya, T., & Phrompan, I. (2024). THE GUIDELINES FOR ORGANIZING ACTIVITIES TO PROMOTE THE LOCAL ART AND CULTURE APPRECIATION. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 8(4), 49–61. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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