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Theerawut Yaaoop


The purposes of this research article are to 1) study the components and guidelines for developing the desired characteristics of Chiang Mai Technical College learners, 2) create a model for developing the desired characteristics of learners, 3) try out the model, and 4) evaluate the model. Development of desired characteristics of students It is both quantitative and qualitative research. Using questionnaires, interviews and group discussions to draft the model. Developing student characteristics and prepare a manual by experts and check the format The model was then tested with a sample of 113 Chiang Mai Technical College teachers and then evaluated after using the model from a questionnaire and using statistics such as percentages, means and standard deviations in the research. The results of the research found that 1) Components and methods for developing the desired characteristics of learners have 5 elements, 8 steps. 2) The model for developing the desired characteristics of students at Chiang Mai Technical College consists of: Element 1: Principles of the format Component 2 Objectives Component 3 Process has 8 steps consisting of 3.1) decision making, 3.2) planning, 3.3) performance, 3.4) evaluation,    3.5) reflection, 3.6) improvement, 3.7) presentation, and 3.8) dissemination. 4 Evaluation Measurement And the fifth component is the success condition: 3) the trial of the model has the highest level of satisfaction, and 4) the results of the evaluation of the model for developing the desired characteristics of graduates. After the experiment, the model was used to develop students' desired characteristics. Compared to before and after using the model, there was a significant increase in the average value. and percentage comparison results Satisfaction with the desired characteristics of learners practicing professional experience from workplaces in the academic years 2022 and 2023 has an increased percentage.

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How to Cite
Yaaoop, T. (2024). MODEL FOR DEVELOPING DESIRED CHARACTERISTICS OF CHIANG MAI TECHNICAL COLLEGE STUDENTS. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 8(4), 75–86. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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