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Aduldet Amnatdeejeamsai
Tanakrit Thurisut
Krittikar Sanposh


The objectives of this research were to determine strategies, experiment strategies and evaluate strategies for managing urban public spaces in the Upper Northeastern Region 1,: It's a mixed methods research, the research was divided into 2 phases as follows: Phase 1: Strategies for urban public space management. Prepare a draft strategy, evaluate the strategy and conduct workshops with 30 people. Confirm the strategy. The research tool was an appropriate and feasible assessment form. Data were analyzed using frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation. Phase 2: Trial and Evaluation of urban public space management strategies: The researcher prepared a workshop manual. The strategy was experimented with 30 public space users. The researcher evaluated the satisfaction of using the strategy manual. The research tool was a satisfaction assessment form. Data were analyzed using frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation. The results showed that: 1) Strategies for urban public space management consisted of 1 Vision, 5 Missions, 5 Goals, 2 Strategic Indicators, 5 Development Strategic Issues, i.e. Strategy 2 had the highest average suitability and likelihood. Evaluation results of strategic suitability and feasibility passed the assessment criteria with

an average of 3.51 in all aspects. 2) Experimental results and evaluation of urban public space management: a group of 30 public space users who participated in the experiment, to do the test before and after the trial. The results of the knowledge test increased for everyone. it was found that the significant difference was 0.01. As for the results of the analysis of the satisfaction assessment form on activities to promote volunteer spirit to develop urban public areas as a whole, it was found that the overall level was at a high level.

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How to Cite
Amnatdeejeamsai, A., Thurisut, T., & Sanposh, K. (2024). STRATEGIES FOR PUBLIC SPACE MANAGEMENT OF THE UPPER NORTHEASTERN REGION 1. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 8(4), 234–245. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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