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Suthida Changprachak


With Thailand entering an aging society, the state is compelled to establish long-term care policies for the elderly to promote the development of a comprehensive elderly care system in both health and social dimensions, with participation from all sectors. This article aims to study the agenda setting of a long-term care policy for the elderly, using John Kingdon's Multiple Streams Framework as a conceptual framework. Qualitative research methodology was employed through document analysis. The research tool utilized was a set of questions for analyzing policy agenda setting. The study found that problems in the policy stream included an increase in the elderly population, an imbalance between the elderly support ratio and the elderly population, and an increasing trend of elderly health dependency. Additionally, the public health system lacks the readiness to provide long-term care services. In the political stream, the government has shown interest in the elderly issue, and the stability of the government has led to continuous policy options for the elderly. Policy proposals have been pushed forward by policy entrepreneurs from legal entities, such as public health officials, the National Health Commission, the Elderly Association, the Health Assembly, etc. Policy stream includes the existences of laws, regulations, and policies at the national level related to the elderly and health, meetings for gathering opinions from the Health Assembly, the Elderly Assembly, and national-level academic conferences on the elderly, as well as the results of pilot projects for long-term care for the elderly by the Ministry of Public Health. These have led to the development of clear policy options for long-term care for the elderly. When all three streams collaborate, it results in long-term care policy for the elderly, namely the announcement of the National Health Security Committee on the establishment of criteria to support local administrative organizations in managing and operating health security funds at the local or regional level (2nd edition) in B.E. 2559.

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How to Cite
Changprachak, S. (2024). AGENDA SETTING: LONG-TERM CARE FOR THE ELDERLY . Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 8(4), 246–256. Retrieved from
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