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Manoon Wiwan
Wittayatorn Tokeaw
Karn Boonsiri
Jitraporn Sudhivoraseth


The purpose of this research article was 1) Concepts and policies of communication management in city council affairs. 2) Communication management processes in city council affairs. 3) Developing an effective communication management model in city council affairs. This was quantitative research that collected data through in-depth interviews municipal administrators from 1) Khon Kaen Municipality from Khon Kaen Province 2) Thung Song Municipality from Nakhon Si Thammarat Province and 3) Thap Ma Subdistrict Municipality, Mueang District, Rayong Province, totaling 24 people. The results found that 1) Communication management concepts and policies in city council affairs carried out the principles of the 2017 Constitution, local government policies and local administrative laws. This was a communication to gain citizens' complaints, studied people's problems and publicized governance knowledge and the performance of City Council affairs. 2) Communication management processes in City Council affairs communicated through general and extraordinary meetings to plan, setting management guidelines, created strategic communications with all parties through various communication channels and evaluated them at every step. 3) Developing an effective communication management model in city council affairs by reviewing, improving, and solving communication problems, communication skills training and modern communication technology. Suggestions found that “MANOONS MODEL” should be used as a communication guideline in consists of 3.1) M-Message organized content to be complete and satisfying. 3.2) A-Announce was announced and disseminated to all target groups. 3.3) N-Network worked closely with network partners. 3.4) O-Ontime communicated promptly and punctually. 3.5) O-Openness opened to take ownership of communication missions. 3.6) N-Never Say No was the willingness to work with a volunteer spirit. 3.7) S-Skills focused on continuously developing communication skills.

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How to Cite
Wiwan, M., Tokeaw, W., Boonsiri, K., & Sudhivoraseth, J. (2024). COMMUNICATION MANAGEMENT MODEL IN MUNICIPAL COUNCIL AFFAIRS. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 8(4), 113–122. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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