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Nukool Chinfuk
Woraluck Lalitsasivimol
Niwat Sawatkaew
Tharnpas Sattayaraksa
Jirawat Nontikarn


The objectives of this research were 1) to study community participation in the management of mangrove forests in Chalae Community, Chalae Subdistrict, Singhanakhon District, Songkhla Province, and 2) to study the management of mangrove forests in Chalae Community, Chalae Subdistrict, Singhanakhon District, Songkhla Province. It was a mixed-methods study. For the quantitative part, a questionnaire was used with a sample of 300 people in the Chalae community area. Statistics were analyzed using frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation by simple random sampling. For the qualitative part, in-depth interviews and group discussions were used as tools. Key informants included community leaders, local administrators, mangrove resource development officers, teachers, students, and people in Chalae Subdistrict Municipality, totaling 20 people. The research found that the community should prioritize participation in receiving benefits, followed by participation in operations, participation in decision-making, and participation in evaluation, respectively. The survival rate of integrated mangrove planting was 62.10% compared to the total of 3,650 trees planted, due to weak roots and natural flooding disasters. The integrated mangrove resource management included establishing the Chalae Community Conservation Committee, building collaboration from all sectors, and establishing the Chalae Subdistrict Community Research Center to collect knowledge. Therefore, the integration between the government, private sector, and the public sector to create a model learning source community for integrated mangrove planting in Village 4, Chalae, Singhanakhon District, Songkhla Province, will lead to sustainable mangrove forest development.

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How to Cite
Chinfuk, N., Lalitsasivimol, W., Sawatkaew, N., Sattayaraksa, T., & Nontikarn, J. (2024). MANGROVE RESOURCE MANAGEMENT OF CHA-LAE COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION CHA LAE SUB-DISTRICT, SINGHANAKHON DISTRICT, SONGKHLA PROVINCE. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 8(4), 123–134. Retrieved from
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