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Panuwat Kitkasachareon
Poschanan Boonchuai


Research to study the marketing potential and demand for herbs among spa business operators. and study the behavior of using spa business services and the marketing mix (7Ps) of foreign tourists This research is a mixed methods research using interviews with business entrepreneurs. Using snowball sampling and 400 foreign tourists. distributed a specific questionnaire. Statistics used were percentage, mean, standard deviation. and Chi - Square test at significance level 0.05. Equal proportions of female and male entrepreneurs. The spa business model is a Day spa. Most of the spa business's customers are foreigners. Problems and obstacles of the spa business Personnel shortage with knowledge and expertise in spa business management The employee entry - exit rate is high. and the service aspect of skilled employees providing services that are hard to find in the market where competition is very high. Currently, there is no shortage of herbs like turmeric, plai, massage oil, compresses, tamarind, kaffir lime, balm, la - hei essential oil, etc. Gender is related to behavior regarding the purpose of using the service. Time period for using the service Personnel aspect that influences service use, price aspect, personnel aspect, physical aspect, and process aspect. Significantly at the 0.05 level, age and income are related to behavior regarding the purpose of using services. Time period for using the service Personnel that influence service use. The cost of using the service and the duration of the service. And age is significantly related to every aspect of the marketing mix (7Ps) at the 0.05 level.

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How to Cite
Kitkasachareon, P., & Boonchuai, P. (2024). MARKETING POTENTIAL AND NEEDS OF THAI HERBS IN SPA BUSINESS TO PROMOTE MEDICAL TOURISM. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 8(8), 262–273. Retrieved from
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