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Khanin Phriwanrat
Anucha Pangkesorn


Article Phraya: beliefs and contemporary amulet design It is part of the thesis. “Amulets: Thai’s Beliefs and Faiths Toward the New Creation of The Contemporary Culture Design” by applying knowledge from literature, questionnaires, and interviews to design. The objective is to study the beliefs and faith of Gen-Z people in order to design contemporary amulets. From collecting a questionnaire of 400 people, it was found that there are factors in choosing to rent and worship sacred amulets. That is, look at the symbol. representativeness and images of sacred things Amulets have an influence on life, which can be developed into fashion products and used as a tool for solving social, economic, and environmental problems. Including in-depth interviews with experts. Among academics related to folklore, beliefs, traditions, rituals, and business and producer groups Regarding amulets, a total of six people were brought in to analyze the knowledge gained for the design of contemporary amulets. Create works using the concept of a new economic trend, namely the creative economy. green economy and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Conduct and test presentations with Gen-Z target groups, designed by modern artists. Bringing in the environmental dimension as affecting society to conduct the research, it was found that those interested were of a wider age range than the Gen-Z group. Most of them did not know Phra Dhanwantri. But there is satisfaction in the design of Phra Dhanwantri. I think it's very modern. Very suitable for carrying It has the greatest impact on donating medicine or money. Material from expired medicine is most closely linked to Thanwantri. It can help preserve the environment and solve most social and economic problems. and were most satisfied with the overall project, "WS:E1+."

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How to Cite
Phriwanrat, K., & Pangkesorn, A. (2024). PHRAYA: BELIEFS AND CONTEMPORARY AMULET DESIGN. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 8(5), 84–95. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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