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Sarulchana Keeratinichakal
Santiwat Chandai


The purposes of this research were to: 1) it aims to thoroughly examine the potential of the Stanislavski’s system in enhancing the organizational process of fiction learning activities. And 2) it seeks to confidently evaluate the impact of implementing the Stanislavski’s system on the analytical reading skills of upper primary school students during fiction learning activities. The investigation was conducted on a group of 5th-grade students from a demonstration school that falls under the purview of a state-run university in Bangkok. The sample size consisted of 78 students, equally divided into an experimental group and a control group, each comprising 39 individuals. The research methodology involved both pretest and posttest evaluations to students in both the experimental and control groups to measure their analytical reading ability. The instructional plan for the experimental group is fiction-based learning activity by using the Stanislavski’s system while the control group was provided with an instructional plan for organizing regular learning activities. The data were analyzed using arithmetic mean, standard deviation, and t-test. The research findings were as follows: 1) The process of organizing fiction-based learning activities for upper primary school students by using the Stanislavski’s system. The approach involves five key steps, namely: 1.1) Thoroughly analyzing the theme based on the composition; 1.2) Analyzing the background and motivation of the characters; 1.3) Establishing scene imagination and analyzing the influence of the scene; 1.4) Analyzing the essence of the story; and 1.5) Connecting the experience with the theme. And 2) The mean scores of students in the experimental group for analytical reading ability were found to be significantly higher than those of students in the control group after organizing learning activities. This statistical was observed at the .05 level of significance. Additionally, the mean score of students in the experimental group for analytical reading ability after organizing the learning activities was significantly higher than their score before organizing the activities, with statistical at the .05 level of significance.

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How to Cite
Keeratinichakal, S., & Chandai, S. (2024). ANALYTICAL READING DEVELOPMENT APPLYING STANISLAVSKI’S SYSTEM FOR UPPER PRIMARY STUDENTS. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 8(5), 64–74. Retrieved from
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