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Atsadawut Saiyarot


This research on conceptual metaphor of richness and poverty in the northeastern Thai dialect has the objective to analyse the conceptual metaphor regarding richness and poverty in the northeastern Thai dialect. This study will help reflect on the relationship of language and the thought system of people in Isaan society through the use of metaphors. As well as helping to understand the thinking system of language users regarding wealth - poverty more clearly. Humans use language to communicate. Especially the use of language in the form of comparisons in the thinking system of language users known as conceptual Metaphors This research is qualitative research. which collects information from 6 movies, 2 dramas and video clips from 10 channels, 200 video clips, applying the theory of metaphor analysis of Lakoff and Johnson and ‎Kövecses is according to the principles of linguistics. The results of this research found 96 words of conceptual metaphors for wealth, grouped into 4 concepts, and 118 words of conceptual metaphors for poverty, grouped into 4 concepts. This research is a reflection on the relationship of language and thought systems. which is related to the principles of Buddhist teachings about Itthipatha 4. In addition, this study helps reflect on the relationship between language and thought systems. Makes it possible to understand the thinking system of language users regarding richness and poverty. It can also expand the scope of study to other texts and other dialects.

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How to Cite
Saiyarot, A. (2024). CONCEPTUAL METAPHOR OF RICHNESS - POVERTY IN NORTHEASTERN THAI DIALECT. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 8(5), 234–245. Retrieved from
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