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Patinya Boonmalert
Pathom Hongsuwan


This article is aims "to classify the type of relationship in Naming Places in Chiang Mai Province" by collecting 3,431 place name signs at Chiang Mai Municipality Office, Mueang Chiang Mai, Chiang Mai Province and using the theory of Classification in type of meaning of Education. The result of research represents that the place name signs in Chiang Mai Province can classify four groups of The Semantics Relationship in Naming Places, for example, the first group has 1,392 place name signs relating in location and enterprise so as to indicate the enterprise and location of place to facilitate the customers and service. The place name sign os composed of "Location": TAPE GATE CAFE" and "Enterprise": Coffee Lovers. The second group has 1,279 place name signs relating the individual so as to worship, and to support the fortune, virtue and propitious thing for the place name, such as, "The name of King": Kawila Sub District Office, "The local personage": Wat MuenLan and "The owner": Direk-Prapassorn Ophthalmology Clinic. The third group has 611 place name signs relating the belief and the emotion so as to support the growth, the wealth and happiness to the place owner and the customer or service, such as, "Belief": Rich Garden House and "Emotion": Good Day. The fourth group has 149 place name signs relating the outstanding location so as to take the remarkable location for attention, sweetness and beauty and glitter with the customer or service, such as, "Seeding": Fern Forest Café, and "Ethnicity": AKHA AMA

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How to Cite
Boonmalert, P., & Hongsuwan, P. (2024). THE SEMANTICS RELATIONSHIP IN NAMING PLACES IN CHIANG MAI PROVINCE. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 8(5), 313–322. Retrieved from
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