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Suphaporn Phongmanee
Aumporn Makanong
Piyawan Visessuvanapoom


This article presents findings from research and development, to develop a program for promoting adaptability of undergraduates based on the theory of self-efficacy. The Research divided into 2 phases as follows: 1) study and analyze basic information to develop a program by content analysis method 2) develop and evaluate the quality of the program by 3 expertise by purposive sampling who graduated in curriculum and instruction program and have teaching experience in undergraduate students. The research tools included 1) an assessment form to measure the accuracy and appropriateness of the program and 2) a content evaluation form to analyze component congruence (Index of Item-Objective Congruence; IOC). The results were found that academic, emotional and society adaptability of undergraduates had 3 components as problem solving, self-regulation and learning capability. The developing program based on self-efficacy consists of 5 components as follows; 1) Principles 2) Specific objective 3) Program contents developed from self-efficacy theory 4) four steps and activities of program as follows: Step 1; evaluating self-capability to setting goal, Step 2; planning according to self-capability and reaching the goal, Step 3; self-monitoring the planning, Step 4; reflecting the performance to be self-efficacy, and 5) measurement and evaluation methods. The result of evaluation program’s quality was appropriate at the highest level (gif.latex?\bar{x} = 4.77, SD = 0.43) and the consistency index (IOC) of the components of program were 0.67 - 1.00. It means all components of the program are content validity and congruence. The developing program can be used for promoting adaptability of undergraduate students.

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How to Cite
Phongmanee, S., Makanong, A., & Visessuvanapoom, P. (2024). DEVELOPMENT OF A PROGRAM FOR PROMOTING ADAPTABILITY OF UNDERGRADUATES BASED ON THE THEORY OF SELF-EFFICACY. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 8(5), 154–165. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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